The second good point of this restaurant is this restaurant is run by wine shop. Wine shop is in the same building, so you can buy wine at their wine shop and you can bring to the restaurant. corkage is 1,000yen. Also they provide really nice wines in at a low price. The bottle wine is 2,000yen~. They also have all you can drink WINE service!
The third good point of staff's friendly and professional service. I am not the person who talk to staff a lot, but I really talking them at this restaurant. A few times, I chose this restaurant for my friend's birthday party and family event. I satisfied everytime.

Lastly, of course food is really delicious!!! They use a lot of seasonal vegetable and seafood. Cuisine is between Italian and French. If you take your parner here for a special occasion to make her/him happy, she/he will love you more ;)
Wassy's Dining Souple (ワッシーズダイニングスープル)
大阪府大阪市天王寺区六万体町5-13 Wビル 3F
3F W bldg. 5-13 Rokumantai-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka
TEL: 06-6774-9000
Dinner Time: 17:30-23:00(lo.22:00)
Bar Time: 23:00-26:00
Close: Monday